Why Do I Need a Crown?
Dental crowns are something that might be recommended to you at your routine dental examination, or they might be recommended during an emergency visit. It is important that you understand what a “cap” does and when it is needed. A thorough understanding of Deerfield dental services can help you make a completely informed decision about your oral health.
Broken Tooth
Sometimes, a broken tooth can be repaired with a filling. Other times, though, too much tooth structure may be gone. In this case, a full-coverage crown might be necessary. The crown can be made to match your other teeth, and it is cemented into place. The dentist prepares the tooth structure by removing enough so that the crown will have a tight, secure fit.
Root Canal Treatment
A root canal is sometimes needed if a tooth is infected or abscessed. This is a highly effective treatment, but it does leave the tooth more brittle because there is no active nerve supply to the tooth. A dental crown helps prevent the root canal treated tooth from breaking, and the patient is able to keep a functioning tooth.
Crowns can be used as a cosmetic treatment for those wishing to change the color, shape or shape of the front teeth. Porcelain and zirconia crowns are popular options for these aesthetic restorations. The dentist will design your crown to your liking, and you are able to choose the shade. In some cases, the crown can even be made at a same-day appointment.
Being proactive about dental care is important, and having knowledge about certain procedures is essential. If you are considering having a crown placed on one of your teeth, consider talking to your dentist about all of your available options. With a thorough discussion and effective treatment planning, you can end up with a smile that you love.