Men's Health Care

A New Type of STI Test Offers Results in 30 Minutes

Getting tested for an STI (sexually transmitted infection) is not what most people would consider fun, but it is a sensible thing to do, and getting the results quickly is definitely a bonus. It is hoped that a new type of fast test will enable patients to be tested, a diagnosis made and treatment offered in one streamlined visit.

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Accurate Diagnoses

The diagnostic tool is about the size of a shoe box. Experts have welcomed the development of the testing machine, saying that it will help with the early detection and accurate diagnosis of common STIs that often have similar symptoms.

It is hoped in particular it will help with treating diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics such as gonorrhoea. Too many antibiotics have been over-prescribed for treating general STI symptoms while waiting for results, and using too many antibiotics indiscriminately leads to resistance.

For more on the rise of the super-gonorrhoea that is resistant to all treatment by antibiotics, see this report from The Guardian.

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Advanced Technology

The test was developed at St George’s, University of London, in conjunction with Atlas Genetics Ltd, an innovation company. To use the apparatus, some urine or a swab is put inside a cartridge, which is then analysed by the machine. Clinical trials will be conducted to ascertain the machine’s effectiveness before the NHS considers using it in sexual health and outreach clinics.

Apart from gonorrhoea, the machine could also be used to detect other common STIs such as syphilis and chlamydia, which often exhibits no symptoms at all. Up to 70 per cent of women infected with chlamydia in the UK were not aware of any symptoms. If you would like to find out more about chlamydia testing kits in London, it would be quick and helpful to visit Greenwichsexualhealth for a chlamydia testing kit. A company like this has an extensive background offering chlamydia testing kits in London and will be able to give you all the options available along with helpful tips and advice.

Looking after sexual health is important, as failure to do so can have severe consequences in later life. The tertiary stage of syphilis can spread to the brain or cause blindness – damage which may not be treatable. In women untreated chlamydia can cause infertility.

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