Health Care

Low levels of vitamin D by chemicals

In this blog of healthy lifestyle we have spoken many times of the importance of vitamin D for our health. Their best-known function is perhaps their involvement in the deposit of calcium in the bones and teeth, making them stronger and healthier.

But this vitamin is also essential for good muscle and cardiovascular functioning. In that sense, it has been shown that people with vitamin D deficiency have a higher risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, sudden cardiac death or heart collapse risk. Also, more and more studies that talk about the importance of vitamin D in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers as well as for depression.

Vitamin D
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The problem is that a large part of the population has insufficient or deficient amounts of this nutrient. Myself, until I made no changes in diet and started with vitamin D (by prescription).

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin, because we can synthesize it through sun exposure. But it is only necessary that we expose ourselves every day for 5 or 10 minutes to the sun without protection in order to obtain the adequate levels through the sun exposure. However, it is essential that we also seek to obtain it through food. Among the foods rich in vitamin D include the dairy, the bluefish and some cereals. We can also consume foods with precursors of this vitamin, such as mushrooms or certain algae, or fortified foods (for example, many vegetable milks).

The question is, whether a diet low in vitamin D, certain geographic locations (in many Nordic countries, vitamin D supplementation becomes essential), lifestyle or other possible factors, we are observing a decline in levels Of this nutrient in much of society.

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Now, a recent study by the University of Michigan (United States) suggests that regular exposure to chemicals with which usually come into contact through cosmetics, cleaning products or food containers may be contributing to reduce adequate levels of vitamin D, especially in women.

Specifically, they studied two substances: bisphenol A and phthalates. Bisphenol A, also known as BPA , is a chemical used to manufacture all kinds of containers such as cans of food or drink and even plastic bottles. Phthalates recently discussed in this post on phthalates and pregnancy. Both substances are endocrine disruptors.

Thanks to this study, we could see how people with higher levels of phthalates and BPA in urine had lower levels of vitamin D. What is not yet known is how these chemicals affect the concentration of this vitamin in our body.

Although very difficult to completely avoid these hormone disruptors in our day, we can try to limit our exposure to them. Mainly, trying to buy and consume foods as least processed as possible, opt for more natural alternatives to cosmetics and without fragrances, choose glass containers preferably from plastic or cans and try not to reuse plastic bottles (over time, free More BPA).

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