
Exercise and its relationship with our night’s rest

There is much talk about the relationship between physical exercise and our night’s rest, finding controversial opinions about it and often discouraging training in the last hours of the day to rest better, however, is this right? What does science say about it?

Just as our body needs rest to perform at their best when performing exercise and at the same time promoting recovery, also the physical effort could influence our night’s sleep, helping or hindering it. We show what scientific evidence indicates:

nights rest
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Exercise: always for a good rest

During sleep our body repairs and creates new structures, regulates body temperature and balances the energy expenditure, hence exercise can be seen as a tool that encourages sleep and proper sleep.

A study of older adults, found that compared to sedentary people, those who initiated the physical exercise of moderate intensity achieved a considerable improvement in the quality and duration of sleep.

It could even be a good alternative for the treatment of insomnia if exercise is practiced regularly, it is a much healthier and safer than sleeping pills alternative, concludes one study published in Clinical Medicine in Sports.

On the other hand, exercise without becoming overtrained, but practiced regularly, helps improve mood and reduce stress, which can also be a factor by which the exercise is presented as a good option sleeping better and positively influences our night’s rest.

You may also like to read another article on MenHealthCare: Use the POSE method to run more and better

If I train before bedtime, do I sleep better?

There is much talk about the incentive in metabolism that causes exercise and its detrimental effect on the potential effect night’s rest, however, I have always wondered, who exercised just before going to bed?

The truth is that as a rule, after an intense workout usually take a shower and feed for just a little later earmark body to sleep, something that might be different if the exercise is low intensity, but then it would not produce such increased metabolism and therefore ** not ** hinder people’s sleep.

A study published in Sleep Medicine compared the effects of training in the morning and by late afternoon and found no difference in the effects of exercise on sleep, as both favored the night’s rest.

So science tells us that, far from harming night’s rest, exercise regardless of when it is realized benefits the dream in all its aspects, and personally support this evidence since the days when I run are precisely those that best rest and earlier when he is running at night, just enjoying these benefits.

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