Healthy Living 

The oral biofilm

In our mouth, it is estimated that you can find over 700 species of bacteria. Their presence is normal in an environment such as the mouth, but if these microorganisms get a suitable environment to overgrow organize, grow as a community called biofilm. With great capacity for colonization, the oral biofilm can cause cavities, gingivitis, and periodontitis.

The lack of good oral hygiene is the cause of the occurrence of biofilm, which is composed of bacteria and embedded in an exopolysaccharide matrix, proteins, minerals and cellular elements.

Depending on whether the biofilm appears on a supra or subgingival will have a number of features or other. The first, located on the surface of teeth is basically nourished by lactic fermentation product of bacterial metabolism of carbohydrates. Meanwhile, the subgingival, usually located in the gingival sulcus between gum and tooth and below the gum in periodontal pockets, has a proteolytic metabolic activity, hydrolysis of proteins and amino acids, producing halitosis, and periodontal disease.

The oral biofilm

Oral biofilm control is essential to prevent many related problems not only with oral health but also to the overall health of our body.

Among the directly derived biofilm, oral conditions would gingivitis, inflammation of the gums caused by bacteria and the most common among the population (50-60% of adults and 80% of children and adolescents). Periodontitis is the result of the progress of gingivitis so is also caused by the biofilm, and involves inflammation and tissue destruction of tooth support as the periodontal ligament and even the alveolar bone.

Oral halitosis its presence must also bacteria present in the mouth and generate volatile sulfur compounds. Finally, the biofilm is the great enemy of oral implantology treatments, producing inflammatory reactions of the soft tissues (mucositis), which may progress to progressive destruction of bone (peri).

These oral problems caused by oral biofilm may result in more severe conditions elsewhere in the body. Numerous studies support the thesis as to confer an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.And it has also been shown that infections, including oral, pregnant women may be important in triggering prematurity factor. The biofilm bacteria from the mouth can enter the systemic circulation and reach the uterine cavity, where the response to these pathogens can cause premature labor.

As with any oral disease, the most effective way to fight the biofilm is prevention and proper oral hygiene. By using physical methods such as brushing, combined with chemical aids (toothpaste, mouthwashes, etc.) can hold off the presence of biofilm. And, of course, regular visits to our dentist, to review the state of our teeth and gums and apply those preventive or curative treatments.

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