Men's Health Care

Calm Your Mind By Choosing An Open Machine For Your MRI

It is easier to detect an injury or illness with an MRI, which is why it is important to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. However, the thought of being inside an enclosed scanner may cause you to postpone your appointment. You can calm your mind by choosing an open machine for your MRI scan. Here are several benefits of choosing an open MRI for your procedure.

1. You are not enclosed inside a small space.

The number one benefit of an open scan is not being enclosed inside a small space. If you are like many other patients, the thought of sliding into the MRI tunnel causes feelings of anxiety or claustrophobia. You can reduce those feelings by choosing an open machine, which only features a top and bottom. The design does not include any sides to make you feel trapped inside a small space.

2. You are not restricted to an uncomfortable position.

You do not have to suffer from claustrophobia to dread sliding into an MRI tunnel. The size of the tunnel restricts your movement and forces you to stay in an uncomfortable position during the procedure. The open design and body-weight capacity allow you to get into a comfortable position without sacrificing an accurate reading. You do not have to worry about an uncomfortable surface because you are going to lie on a cushioned table that slides into the machine.

3. Your technician stays connected to you.

The last thing you want is to feel like you are alone during your MRI procedure. Your technician is right there with you every step of the way. You are connected to your technician with a high quality speaker system, so you are welcome to address any questions or concerns during the scan. There is comfort in knowing someone is watching over you during a medical procedure.

4. You are still receiving an accurate diagnosis.

You do not have to sacrifice your comfort or peace of mind to receive an accurate diagnosis. There are many facilities that use state-of-the-art MRI machines, and one machine that is popular is the Hitachi Airis Elite. The Hitachi Airis Elite takes high quality images to ensure your physician receives accurate results the first time around.

The best way to calm your mind before your MRI is to talk to your physician about using an open machine for your procedure.

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