Healthy Living 

What Assistance Can You Provide to Elderly Persons?

Whether you are an elder yourself, or the spouse of one, there are many ways to help out your elderly loved one. These services, like assistance in-home health Rochester Hills MI, include financial, household maintenance, prescription assistance, and even meals on wheels.

Financial assistance

Thousands of seniors across the country are struggling to make ends meet. Many retirees have low or moderate incomes and face increasing housing, food, and medical care costs. However, there are financial assistance programs that can help.

LIHEAP, for example, provides cash to help low-income families and individuals pay their home heating bills. The federal government funded and administered the program through local social services departments. It also helps make homes more energy efficient and weatherize homes.

Household maintenance

Whether you are an older adult or a caregiver, you may need to perform household maintenance tasks. Fortunately, several initiatives are designed to make life easier for seniors. One of these is a home maintenance program that gives seniors a leg up in the housekeeping department.

The Department of Energy has a Weatherization Assistance Program that provides financial aid to make your home more energy efficient. This is great news for those on a tight budget. Most importantly, you can benefit from this program without being in the market for a new home.

Another is the state Department of Aging, which provides a small grants scheme for older citizens. This may be the best bet for free home maintenance assistance.


Providing transportation assistance for elderly persons is an essential aspect of senior well-being. Keeping appointments, maintaining a social life, and protecting the physical and mental health of the elder are just a few reasons that reliable transportation is so important. Fortunately, there are several options for older adults.

Public transportation is one of the most popular choices for senior citizens. It usually provides discounted fares and accessibility features. However, it can be time-consuming and expensive to use. Most people must walk to the bus stop, wait outside the pickup, and follow strict schedules.

Volunteer ride services are another option. These are available in most cities. They vary greatly and may require membership or a small donation.

Meals on Wheels

Providing Meals on Wheels assistance for elderly persons is an excellent service that helps keep people in their homes. The program provides nutritious meals to senior citizens and helps them stay active. It also provides them with companionship and other resources.

The program serves anyone needing meals, including adults, senior citizens, and people with disabilities. The program is run by a network of more than 5,000 local programs that operate independently of the Meals on Wheels national organization.

Applicants must meet several criteria before a program can be approved. These include age, illness or disability, lack of transportation, and lack of cooking skills. Sometimes, a referral from a doctor or social worker may be required.

Prescription assistance

Fortunately, there are several prescription assistance for the elderly person programs available to help seniors stay healthy. It’s not easy to obtain affordable medications, so it’s good to know that there are options.

The Medicare “Part D” program is one option available to seniors that may help them get prescription drugs for a fraction of their cost. Seniors can save a lot of money by opting for generic drugs.

The HealthWell Foundation is another program that can help seniors pay their health premiums and deductibles. In addition, Medicaid is also available to low-income Americans. These programs are available in every state and will help seniors to receive affordable medical coverage.

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