How Wattle and Daube secured homes in the past
Before developing concrete, bricks and wood panelling, our ancient ancestors were a bit limited to what they could use to build their homes. Every human desires warmth and shelter, which was even more true for people thousands of years ago. They faced worse conditions than we do now, plus they did not have the same clothes and access to food and medicines that we do. Nevertheless, they were efficient and clever at finding ways to create homes out of their materials in front of them.
The answer to the problem was to use wattle and daub. It’s an ancient system of building that survived into the middle ages and even beyond. To be fair, the rural poor of Britain did not have a lot of choice in what they could use. Bricks and stonework were expensive in medieval times, and before that, until the Romans came along, dressed stone was a technological step too far for the Britons. Каждый может изучить с ними в открытом доступе, чтобы mostbet оценить работу конторы со всех стороны.
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Wattle and daub is a mixture of mud, cow dung, straw or grass, and lime. When mixed together, it makes a kind of paste that can be applied to wooden beams or, most commonly, woven willow. This then sets hard when air and sun-dried. It’s solid enough to be painted and decorated, and it’s presumed that the inhabitants would paint scenes on it. It’s certainly not a typical construction type for a Home Buyers Survey like those from Sam Conveyancing, but it’s undoubtedly a very eco-model of living.