
Asanas for each chakra

Asanas are exercises or yoga postures that are slowly taking harmonizing the chakras and accompanying breathing and mental calm.

The famous Indian sage Patanjali established, more than two thousand years ago, eight stages or steps in the process of self – realization (ashtanga yoga) Ruled that Yoga practitioners should move in a precise order established by stages. Starting from thebottom, the eight “phases” are: Yama (moral codes), Niyama (personal and study purification), Asana (posture), pranayama (control of breath), Pratyahara (sensory control), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and finally Samadhi (contemplation, personal fulfillment or happiness status).

These eight steps must be followed and practiced in order to purify and couple (in the context of Yoga, “join”) the mind, body and soul. Since the concepts on which the first two stages, Yama and Niyama are based, are difficult to understand for those who have been “soaked” of the traditions and Eastern philosophy since birth, schools of Yoga in the West tend to start teaching asanas, the third stage.

Yoga Asanas
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Asanas (as = means: stand, stand, sit) are not simple exercises but positions that are assuming and maintaining a conscious, slow and meditative, accompanied by a conscious breathing and a relaxed and concentrated mental attitude. Asanas are described as any position that can maintain stable and comfortable way (Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali) in position all the muscles effortlessly achieves stability and no particular muscle is subjected to tension or offers resistance. Body alignment allows achieving a good balance without making a great effort, promoting blood circulation and respiration.

The defining characteristics of the asanas are:

  • Firmness and alert.
  • Comfort and effortless stay.
  • Immobility, stillness and stability.
  • Relaxation.
  • Proper breathing.
  • Concentration and self care.
  • Observation own fitness and respiratory rate.
  • Progression but without the spirit of competition, nor with oneself or with others.

In the execution of the Asana three phases: assemble or enter, maintain and disarm or leave. In the first stage should take all necessary steps to reach the position correctly, not only in physical appearance but also with proper mental attitude. The true essence of the work of the Asanas is performed while keeping. As the practitioner gets increasingly relax posture can improve and better elongation and breathe control. To disarm the position the same skill is required.

In practice, it is convenient to go asanas gradually warming the body to which it cooled. The first they are those done standing postures back and balancing on hands. Which cool the body, usually, are the pushups, the sitting or lying positions, and in general all those that do not require effort against gravity.

Asana, which often have names of animals, plants, wise or mythological heroes, qualities, body parts, shapes … have preventive, recuperative and healing properties. Here you can find help if you are looking for house cleaning service that is leader in green cleaning in Arizona. In the physical aspect Asanas help tone and give flexibility to the muscles, influence the endocrine system by acting specifically on the mobility of the spine and joints, and harmonizing act on the nervous system. Mentally, the attitude of the practitioner must be centered on the assumed posture and breathing. This concentration, as gains in depth, will become a meditation posture. Spiritually, the Asanas help cultivate self – confidence and serenity.

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Although in the early stages of the practice of Yoga the physical level is the most involved as it progresses it will become more aware of the flow of vital energy (prana) in the body.Kundalini is the total psychic energy normally symbolized as a snake coiled three and a half, with its tail in its mouth and turning on the central axis (sacrum or sacred bone) at the base of the column. The awakening of this serpent is a primary goal of the practice of Yoga.

From this perspective, the Asanas are designed to cleaning, purification, detoxification and stimulation of energy channels (Nadis), and for activating the chakras, which will lead to the emergence of deeper states of consciousness or higher. It is understood that the man has a pranic or energy body, consisting of a network tupidísima nadis, or channels, through which energy flows, and a number of centers of accumulation, transformation and redistribution of energy called chakras (wheels) or Padmas (lotuses)

The chakras (each with a specific vibration and an associated color) are areas of energy that the ancient Indian healing system in seven major centers located throughout the body. They symbolize the connection between the physical and the spiritual. Your balance is synonymous with health and when this balance is broken can manifest itself through various mental, emotional or physiological problems.

Chakras, in its role of pranic energy transformers, are responsible for turning it into psychological and physiological energy and, as distributors, regulate their employment through the nadis. For this network of canals flowing energy. The chakras correspond to the nerve plexus and nadis, nerves and blood vessels.

There are seven major chakras and an eighth comprising whole body (aura or magnetic field):

  • Muladara (low center where the Kundalini is)
  • Svadhisthana (epigastric plexus)
  • Manipura (solar plexus)
  • Anahata (Cardiac Plexus)
  • Vishuddha (laryngeal plexus)
  • Ajna or fronta (Cavernous Plexus)
  • Sahasrara (cerebral cortex)

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